BUHS/WRCC Open House is Thursday, September 19th, 6:30 – 8:15 p.m.

Protective Services – Criminal Justice

Level I

This program is designed for students considering a career pathway in the criminal justice (CJ) field. It offers a wide variety of experiences and exposure to many exciting professions. These include law enforcement, corrections, criminal investigations, forensic investigator, traffic accident investigator, and criminal court attorney. This course will give a sampling of a full criminal justice program allowing the student to decide which career paths they may wish to pursue and an opportunity for earning college credits through dual enrollment. Numerous guest speakers and off-site visits will provide an interesting intruduction to unique subjects and exposure to real life experiences. Students wishing to enter the CJ field will learn how to develop an affordable career plan and how to best market themselves. Students will complete industry recognized credentials through FEMA and other accredited training.

The following soft skills will be highlighted in this program: Situational Awareness, Tactical Communication, Time Management, Active Listening & Learning, Critical Thinking and Decision Making, Planning & Organization.

Level II

This program is the second year of the Criminal Justice Program for students. It offers students a more focused and in-depth experience and exposure to many exciting fields of study. These include introduction to criminology, criminal & behavioral profiling, justice, crime, and ethics, forensics and crime scene investigations, and the juvenile justice system. This course will give a sampling of a full criminal justice program allowing the student to decide which career paths they may wish to pursue and an opportunity for earning college credits through dual enrollment. Students will complete industry recognized credentials through FEMA. Numerous guest speakers and off-site visits will provide an interesting introduction to unique subjects and exposure to real life experiences. Students will also explore how to pursue placement at the police academy.

The following soft skills will be highlighted in this program: Situational Awareness, Tactical Communication, Time Management, Active Listening & Learning, Critical Thinking and Decision Making, Planning & Organization.

For more detailed information go to our Program of Study.

Industry Recognized Credentials

Level 1
FEMA-Diversity Awareness
FEMA-Intro to Incident Command System
FEMA-Basic Incident Command for Initial Response
FEMA-Workplace Security Awareness
OSHA 10 hr On-line Training
Level 2
FEMA-Social Media in Emerg. Mngmt.
FEMA-Leadership & Influence
FEMA-Effective Communication
FEMA-Introduction to the Nat'l. Incident Mngmt. System
State of Vermont Mandated Reporter Training

Your Instructor

Orlando Alvarez

Born in Santa Clara, Cuba and immigrated to New York City with my mother and father. Shortly after that, we relocated to South Florida. I was educated in South Florida in a home where the primary language is Spanish. I learned English by attending grade school and associating with English-speaking friends.
I decided to join law enforcement because I had a sense of wanting to "give back" and to serve and protect those who had the same challenges.
I was fortunate to work for a police department with a diverse group of officers and supervisors. The mission of the police department was to encourage its officers to perform community outreach. I received various training in understanding the needs and complexities of working with diverse community members. I have participated in cultural diversity training, restorative justice practices training, and the Disproportionate Minority Contact Initiative.
I've discovered a rewarding career as an educator where I can pass on my experiences, knowledge, and ability to recognize the complexities associated with criminal offenders. Being a resident of Brattleboro and having an opportunity to teach in Brattleboro will allow me to share my experiences with local students.